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Submit Your Video to Many Video Sites at Once

laptops.jpgI’ve been long begging for a technology that allows amatuer videographers to populate multiple video sites with ease. You may like the popularity of YouTube and the money from Revver, blip.tv and Metacafe. But you can’t afford to miss sites like AOL Uncut, Yahoo or Google Video since they do deliver volume. I think I speak for most video makers that my LEAST favorite part of video is manually submitting it on sites. And I invariably forget one or two.

A number have people have confided in me certain new businesses that address that unmet need — I will not reveal specifics of these in respect to their need for secrecy. As you can guess, some go after subscriptions, others charge a flat fee, and others are targeting high-end publishers to charge a premium.

Marquisdejolie recently shared that Veoh uploaders can automatically populate their YouTube, MySpace and Google accounts with their videos. That’s brilliant. Something I’ve urged Revver to do for months.

This is how I see this market playing out:

  • The progressive, smaller sites will use this as a value-add to attract content. The larger sites (with maybe the exception of YouTube/Google Video) have no incentive to facilitate this.
  • Some software players will try to make a business model on this separately. You’ll register at a site, and they’ll take care of all the form requirements of the most common video sites. While I’d probably pay a modest monthly fee to avoid an hour of work each day, most will resist that.
  • Someone will build a free shareware application to do this. However the video sites might change their specifications or make this obsolete.
  • Ultimately there will be a hybrid free/paid tool. For free you’ll get, say, 20 uploads a month to various sites. For a minor ($10-$20) fee you can have unlimited uploads to a broader base of sites.
  • To avoid commoditization these tools will offer additional value-add functionalities. For example, they’ll get your video search-engine optimized, Digged, etc. And maybe they’ll discover additional value-add services that provide video junkies more time to focus on creating instead of posting and publicizing.

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  1. I hate the submission hassles. But I am Scottish and therefore averse to paying a computer monkey to do it for me. I am also a technophobe so I want someone else to check this Veoh thing out and report back in…

  2. Hey Nalts –

    I think TrafficGeyser.com does what you’re talking about. The service submits to up to 30 different sites at a time. Could be a big time saver / traffic-generator, but it isn’t cheap:

    $247 to sign-up plus $47-$97/month, depending upon level of service.

    I actually have an account, but haven’t had a chance to try it out yet. I’ll be checking it out shortly and will let you know how well it works.


  3. You pay $50-$100 and haven’t used it yet? Would you like to sign up for Kevin’s blogomatic? You send me text and I blog it. $50 the first month and $200 each additional month.

  4. > You pay $50-$100 and haven’t used it yet?

    I only said I have an account.

    You assume much, young Grasshopper. ; )


  5. This Veoh is pretty damn cool I must say. This will save me countless hours and frustration. *dancing around, singing*. Wow!!!

  6. check out the “distribute” option @ blip.tv.

    we distribute to:

    internet archive
    yahoo video
    aol video
    and your own person blog(s)

    it’s all free. all of these sites will be playing a single file, hosted on blip.tv. this means you keep complete control of your content at all times. nobody else re-hosts it, re-brands it, or controls it in any way.

    eric mortensen
    director of content

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