Sneak Preview: Free eBook on YouTube v3

So here’s a sneak preview of the third revision of “How to Get Popular on YouTube Without Any Talent.” Thanks to those of you who have sent edits, and I’m sure there are some residual holes. If you have the time/desire, please review and provide edits either in comments or on Microsoft Word’s edit thingy.

Popular on YouTube Without Any Talent (crappy unedited version)


Hope that link works… thanks if you’ve got time for this. 🙂

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  1. I cant believe how you con other people into proofing your work. What’s wrong, did your sister finally decide to cut you off from her superb editing skills?

  2. There isn’t that much changed in this, but I got a couple e-mails that some stuff (mentioning blogtv, not mentioning plus/circles) made it feel old like its author

  3. On pg 29 you mention you’re still working on Beyond Viral Video. That ain’t right.

    Also, I’d love to read a bit about the mechanics of collab videos – either in the ebook or here on WVFF. Specifically, do both collaborators post the video on their channels? Do they post slightly different versions of the videos on their channels? Or does the video typically go on just one channel?

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