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Should Comedian Mark Day Stop Creating Now That He’s YouTube’s Comedy Manager?

Mark Day ComedyThis isn’t breaking news, but I feel remiss to not have covered the news that Mark Day (markdaycomedy) is now a YouTube employee as “comedy manager” (see YouTube blog. Mark (markdaycomedy) started on YouTube in March 2006, and I’ve long been starstruck by his omnipresence on YouTube and other sites. He’s best known for pimping his “Smiley Face Intervention” mug, and his frequent comedic, topical bits. He was the premier guest on our recently launched BubbleGumTreeShow (Charles Trippy is the next guest, and I think I’d better find a sponsor for the show or drop the goal of 52 creators in 2008 to about 26).

Mark’s announcement in the YouTube blog says, “Now that I’m part of the YouTube team, you won’t be seeing much of my big bald head any more.” I spoke with Mark, and challenged him on this decision. He explained how it might feel for an upcoming creator to see Mark as both a decision-maker and, effectively, competition. While there are potential conflicts of interest, I would argue that it can be reconciled. Selfishly, I’d like to see Mark continue. And the more we see of the editors and community managers, the more human the company feels. What do you think?

It’s possible this is a red herring. Many YouTubers burn out when the adrenaline of faux fame wears down, and we realize it’s consuming our time and energy. I think we’ll see more YouTube burnouts as some top creators realize that the partner program’s revenue isn’t what they expected, and that few have “crossed the chasm” to additional media forms.

P.S. Comedy Manager is a stupid title. You can’t manage comedy.

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  1. I’m not sure what the comedy manager does, but if they feature people on the front page, maybe my favorite bald guy hasn’t forgotten about the christmas colab I did with him, and keeps me in mind.

  2. Frankly, Mark needs to keep making videos. Sure, we all know Mark’s a great comedian, but what about comedians who join YouTube a year from now? They have to know their Comedy Manager is one of them, not someone who was once one of them.

  3. I understand his feelings and sense of fair play, but I think it’s good for all comedians to get out there once in a while just to keep in shape. If he were to donates any of the channel revenue he picked up from doing an occasional vlog to a worthy cause I think it would set a good example. Plus, seeing his face in a video vlog or collab once in a while is good for business. People feel more connected to management that way. It would be a small minded person who would shout bias and we know there are so few of them, shame to have to be so guarded because of one or two people who are always looking for something to complain about. Mark is an upright guy, hiring him restores a little of my faith in you tube.

  4. I will really miss Mark if he stops making videos. I think he should definitely continue making videos.

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