Short Visit to West Coast Online-Video Junkee with “LA Blue Balls”

Yeah I went to LA for one day, and it was the biggest tease of my online-video life! I have LA blueballs.

The near climax was getting to meet Punchy from WaverlyFilms, Captain from ClipCritics and my favorite YouTube weblebrities… but not having enough time to play! There was a spontaneous dinner on Wednesday night, and before I had the chance to spill a second beer, Chuck Potter (who is making a film about YouTube) was kind enough to whisk me to LAX to catch the red eye back to PA.

I’ve got to get back to LA soon, and inject myself into all of my favorite webshows as a lowlife extra – I had a near miss with TomBoys and Freddy Nager, with whom I’ve been dying to collaborate. And I didn’t even get to see Mickipedia Micki or my Revver peeps.

I did have a chance to appear in an episode of “The Retarded Policeman.” You’ve never been on a cooler shoot in your life. Ponce (Josh Perry) was so kind and gentle, and far from the insulting character he plays.

I can’t remember if he’s really got Down’s and he’s faking as a cop, or if it’s the other way around. But either way, I’ve gone from fan to superfan. His brother (who appears in episode one) directs him with precision and tough love that only a big brother can provide. In a future episode, The Retarded Policeman insults me, kisses me and then slaps me. The Nalts is,  of course, shocked and trying to explain that I’m a weblebrity who wasn’t drunk driving but “vlogging while driving.” I don’t want to give away anymore of Greg Benson’s hysterical script, but I hope he will indulge me on this sneak preview from the script.

“Oh, I recognize you. You’re the cup of shit from two girls and a cup.”

Comedic gold. Benson (MediocreFilms) is one of the best producers/directors I’ve seen in action, and that’s his voice (straight and falsetto) in TRP’s opening song. The MediocreFilms model is brilliant. It’s bursting with simplicity and humor, and production costs are minimized (they used a foam white board to bounce light on this shoot).

unicorn cowI had never seen Greg’s “Gorgeous Tiny Chicken Machine Show” until last night, and I’m hooked. Last night I watched the entire series with my 4-year-old Charlie, who was quick to say “that was a short one” or “we already watched that one.” The perverted humor is subtle enough that a child can watch it without too much brain damage. Whether he’s 4 or 40. See Ron Jeremy’s appearance in this episode, or check out this hysterical one that’s a personal favorite.

Have you ever seen anything that’s as funny as that cutaway of the Unicorn Cow’s sad face when he donates his spleen to make Steak Tartar? Honestly, have you? And have you ever seen Internet-video acting as good as the chef’s (who is that guy, Greg, and when can I appear in costume on the show!?)

This stuff is so good it makes me want to stop making videos and start watching them more.

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  1. Loved the ‘tour’ of the studio. “And this is the closet where we keep Ron Jeremy”. I about feel out of my chair. No as I remember I did fall and bumped my head…No as I remember I did fall and bumped my head…mo ad I wemem…

  2. Dude, sorry we missed ya! You missed hanging at the Urth Cafe watching all the startlets drop by for their $5 nonfat decaf latte fixes. We could have introduced them to a genuine weblebrity… though I’m not sure Mrs. Nalts would appreciate that. (BTW, cewebrity is much more fun to say, especially in a mock Elmer Fudd voice.) We also gotta bring you in as a guest casting director for Tomboys in Fishnets auditions…

  3. I’m sorry, I watched both episodes of the chicken show that you linked, and I didn’t laugh once. Too long, too. I get the premise of the show, I just didn’t think they were funny. Guess it’s a good idea I have no plans to visit Japan. I thought Fred was marginally funnier than them, and that ain’t saying much, since I don’t really care for him either.

  4. Here’s what the inside of Revver looks like (click). Can somebody post a video of the YouTube video reviewers now? I wanna see that whacko who selects the videos to be featured and promoted. I suspect he/she/it looks a lot like Bill The Cat and want to confirm that.

  5. LOL, that’s my new nickname for you Kevin…CoS (Cup of Shit) kinda like HoWoN (Husband of Wife of Nalts)…only CoS suits you better! :o)

    You sure it was blue balls or just that HUGE wallop of a bruise you’ve been showing everyone? I’m disappointed that you didn’t at least show us up close and personal on your response channel or something. We WVFF readers had to find out second hand. Pffft! Whatever! I knew it was going to leave a mark!

    Anyway, hope it’s getting better for you…the blue balls I mean.

  6. I can’t believe you never saw GTCMS before. It is one of my favs. Sorry, sukatra, but I pee my pants every time I watch it. And it’s “Unicow”, not “Unicorn Cow”. I actually subbed to Mediocre films for this show, before Retarded Policeman came along.

  7. sukatra, you haven’t seen the bruise? I guess he’s been showing it off to his real friends! LOL! Not the losers here. Clicky the linky.

    Nutcheese…you as a policewoman? Oh god, I can only imagine where you’d tell Kevin to stick that baton. :o)

  8. Oh the bruise? Yeah well let yourself be first to the the fact that I have a fractured sacrum and spiniphelelopthis or something. No more stair falls. 🙁

  9. Man, sorry to hear that Kevin…hope you get better soon. From all the vid’s I’ve seen of you recently…it hasn’t hindered you a bit. :o)

  10. How the hell did you do that? Daym! That’s one heck of a bruise. Talk about being commited to your craft! But Damn! Owwwie!

  11. Nalts, you’re kinda being a dink. “Punchy” is Bobby J from WICKED AWESOME FILMS. Stop saying we’re Waverly. I feel like you’re pushing a very unfunny and at this point, disrespectful joke. I was nothing but nice to you when we met.

  12. Wow. Now I wanna know what nalts did to piss bobby j. off. Because you know I likes me some drama.

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