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Sesame Street vs. Coke

The Coke contest is down to 8 submissions now that judge ZeFrank booted the one I had submitted. But there are still about 20 days for you to try. In an e-mail titled “your entry needs a little work,” ZeFrank wrote, “Unfortunately, we cannot include it on the site because your submission contains third-party content not licensed for use in this Challenge.”

manamana.jpgMy video, which will never be seen again (they should have just rejected it because it was horrible), featured me and my wife meeting each other while drinking Cokes and humming the old Sesame Street tune, “manamana.” Don’t remember this one? Reload your brain and see it on YouTube. Now good luck getting it out of your head.

I did consider that there might be a copyright issue with that, but I wasn’t sure the deep-pocketed attorneys from Sesame Street would come knocking. Plus small clips of music are allowed and song parody is permissible. In defense of Coke, the contest is clearly “commercial gain,” so they probably did the right thing by copyright law.
You know the clip WAS up for a week. If you’re a Sesame Street vigalante attorney I’ll send you the video and a screen grab for a small price. Nothing would get this blog traffic like inspiring “The Copyright Case of Sesame Street vs. Coke.” Come to think of it… see the resemblance?

Separated at Birth: Baby Bear and the Coke Polar Bear:


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  1. Speaking of trivial contests, it seems that I am back on top again with the most videos uploaded to Revver since Noblechain and Prince Charles’ 5 second clips are gone. Here’s the top 5 as I can find them:

    Who have I missed?

  2. No. I’m just trying to win my “annoy zeFrank” contest. They didn’t use your signature. Is that really you? We’ve been having a debate about whether any of the ZeFrank posts are real.

  3. It is kind of scary how much Coke must have spent on one website for 9 entires… no, wait… 8. Unless fancy websites are cheaper than I think…. How about an “online video contests” tab on WVFF?

  4. I have one of the final entries on the Coke site . Has to be the most annoying site to navigate ever made . Probably someonemade a lot of money designing it which is why they never seem to finis judging there contests. It finally says they have picked the winners in two of them but they still don’t say who won.

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