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Save Old Media: Katie Couric

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I caught some video of Katie Couric at the Nov. 16 Foundation Awards held by the International Radio and Television Society Foundation, Inc.

YouTube’s community received a 2007 Foundation Award — putting it in a league with David Letterman, Donald Trump and Dick Clark. More on that tomorrow.
Katie presented a Foundation Award to Kimberly Dozier, and didn’t even think twice about being in a brief video. Then I decided the video seemed too self serving to post the video… You know: “look at me, I met Katie Couric.” (Here’s the raw footage on one of my alternative accounts).

I decided to turn the clip into a mock promotion for a fictitious charity to benefit “Old Media.” I even parked a URL for saveoldmedia.com, but can’t seem to direct it to my fake site. It invites emerging media players to adopt an “Old-Media Maven,” and help them learn about this Interweb fad. Here’s the “Save Old Media (I Adopted Katie Couric)” video on YouTube, or see it above via Revver.

Katie is the perfect example of someone who’s not too late to save. Sure she’s got an “Agatha Christie audience” on CBS at the moment, but she’s got a long run ahead. And she’s obviously more savvy about new media than this video suggests (she was well aware of the video circulating that has Katie Couric spoofing Dan Rather’s “overcoat” moment). And she’s the most down-to-earth celebrity I’ve met. But you knew that, didn’t you?

And btw, Katie, if you’re reading…. I said you were an “Old-Media” Maven not an “Old, Media Maven.” Big difference. And thanks for playing along, and we look forward to seeing you help bring CBS to 2000.

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  1. This was awesome! Good job Nalts. Katie got me on the today show which saved me on my ride. You have been doing some awesome posts lately keep the great work.

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