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Revver Update… Newness Ahead

rev.jpgYesterday I joined a small group of online video creators to speak with Revver via conference call. We shared some of our technical concerns, and Revver provided some updates about what’s ahead. As the market grows more competitive, Revver has become cautious about sharing specifics. But Micki (Director of Revver Community and editor of The Revver Blog) agreed to update us on milestones since it’s hard to get the scoop via the Revver Forum.

My takeaway, however, was that good things are coming in late November and better things are coming early in the first quarter. Revver recognizes that we need better technical reliability, more detail in the dashboards, and better ways to share. They are also recognizing that the market wants a better experience at Revver.com. The hologram viewer will launch in late July (okay- that last one was just to throw off the competitors).

Meanwhile, they’re no longer the best kept secret of online video. Mainstream press is mentioning them in the same breath as YouTube, Google Video and Metacafe. Here’s a story about Revver’s distribution deal with the U.K.’s “Fame TV.” Viewers can vote on favorite clips via cell phone messaging, and the video creators get a quarter for each vote!

mcrevver.jpgIn other recent news: They have formalized a relationship with CAA. Digital Media Wire said Revver may be more valuable than YouTube. And MediaPost predicts that some of the creators will be migrating to Revver away from other sites.

Revver’s technological advancements have moved slower than some amateurs would like. This is partially because it is trying to satisfy advanced needs of creators and distributors. Still- the Revver team captured our feedback and assured us that the next generations will placate concerns and provide us the functionality we want (and stuff we didn’t know we wanted).

For nostalgia purposes, I give you my first video about Revver… McRevver meal.

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  1. It might be easier just to change the name to Reeeeeeevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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