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Revver 2.0: Now With Gomi Taro Monkey

revver monkey is so cuteIt’s taken me a week or so to decide what I like best about the Revver 2.0.

  • The homepage changes (less “creative use of white space,” more videos, and the addition of categories and featured sections?

  • A new video browse page with a most-watched section for browsing popular videos by date range, and a new categories page features videos broken down by category?

  • My improved dashboard for tracking videos by status through every step of the upload and review process?

  • One-click video editing?

Nope. The monkey.

The monkey.

Revver Monkey sleeping with asi’s cat

Post Script: After significant research, I have identified him as a Gomi Taro monkey. I have, of course, promptly purchased one from this site which may or may not be reputable. Rika Yang is apparently a big fan with the most entries to this Gomi Taro Flickr photo pool.

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  1. LOL!

    Nalts, have I ever told you that you’re a monkey on my back?!

    I only heard of Revver because of you and I honestly don’t visit it much, but I can tell the difference…looks cleaner. Very nice.

  2. Nalts:

    Thanks for the props. We love the monkey, too. The engineers keep telling us that he’s the genius behind our new site, but he always seems to be sleeping when I see him – so I think the guys actually did all the work, and are covering for him for some reason. Nonetheless, we’re quite fond of the little guy.

  3. I’ve been researching him all day. And I want to spank him too. Apparently he’s the pet of Revver wiz-kid Asi, my favorite technology nerd on the planet. Seeking my own copy.

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