Public School Choir Wins Webby Award (June 14)

The PS 22 Choir will receive the “Artist of the Year” award at the June 14 Webby Awards. The “YouTube sensation” elementary school chorus joins previous winners Roger Ebert, Amy Poehler, and OK Go! (see press release for such quotes as, “We’re thrilled to honor these outstanding young men and women for reminding us all about the joy and power of music.”

The 14th annual award event will be hosted by B.J. Novak of NBC’s The Office, and feature winners and honorees delivering five-word speeches in the tradition of past Webby victors like Beastie Boys (“Can anyone fix my computer?”) and Jimmy Fallon (“Thank God Conan got promoted”). Speeches and ceremony highlights will be broadcast on the Webby Awards YouTube channel (

5 word acceptance speech. La la la la la, anyone? Check out the choir’s channel on YouTube: Here’s the group’s most-popular hit, which surprisingly is a Lady Gaga song. You just can’t go wrong with Lady Gaga, but if these kids can’t make you smile you’re taking life too seriously.

When you’re done enjoying this, check out when Latifah sneaks into a rehearsal. Ever seen kids scream like this for someone that old?

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  1. Can not stand Lady GaGa, but I love PS 22. Check out some of their other videos, like Coldplay’s “Viva La Vida” if you are also not a Lady GaGa fan.

  2. Yeah, I remember when their version of “Landslide” came out last year, I posted it on my Facebook page. I thought a lot of my female friends would “like” it. I was right.

  3. Now I feel bad about beating up the choir kids when I was in school. Wait a second… no I don’t! The choir at my school sucked! They were asking for it!

  4. Now wait a minute…I’m not a huge fan or anything, but getting a bunch of 5th grade public school kids to sing together and harmonize is very uncommon. And they are a continually changing group of kids, and they learn a lot of music. I would say compared to other similar groups (zero) they are quite extraordinary.

  5. @5 Uh, there’s not any harmonizing and the arrangement is very simple. No reason any average group of 5th graders couldn’t learn this in a couple of hours.

    Like I said, they’re not bad, just rather unremarkable (at least compared to other groups of little kids I’ve seen).

  6. I didn’t listen to this one. They have done a lot of other ones. The other arrangements are harder and have harmony. You’re a dipshit. I’m sick of you.

  7. You’re right, Lady Gaga doesn’t do them justice.

    I wonder why everyone is so grouchy today (myself included).

  8. I could sit back and let Aelix take all the heat…

    but, this is not art – this is fast food.

    I think popular idol worship is bad for education and most of all hate seeing it put upon kids in schools – I think it a terrible shame that in the wealthiest nation in the world this is what has to be done in order to afford any semblance of music and art in schools. Music should last forever, this, I’m sorry to say, just doesn’t do it.

    a better idea

  9. @jischinger- the blog topic isn’t really the issue here because, really, how often do we pay attention to Kevin’s blogs? It’s just funny that someone told Alexis “You’re a dipshit. I’m sick of you.”

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