Party at My Place Saturday Night

Online-video has its share of online-video pranks, but this one is quite memorable. Last evening I discovered that YouTube’s Gay Godfather, Zipster08, announced a party at my place Saturday night.

Naturally I hadn’t heard about this until seeing the video. But it did prompt the following  conversation last night between me and my wife (which I regret not videotaping secretly):

  • Kevin: Do we have plans Saturday night?
  • Jo: What?
  • Kevin: Saturday night. Are we doing anything?
  • Jo: (Stop fighting, Grant and Charlie!) Why?
  • Kevin: Zipster made a video about a party at our house. So I was thinking…
  • Jo: (One of those “conversation is over” stares).

(Parenthetically, Zipster08 got more than 3.5 million views on his Christmas collaboration last year,  and here’s his fresh new one- The Night Before Christmas).

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  1. I’ll be there with bells on! No, seriously. Little chimey, annoying christmas bells. I wear them on ocassion…like for Bar Mesquites and insurance shenanigans. Just a habit. HI JO!!!!

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