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Online Video Sites and Monetization Status

TubeMogul’s blog did a nice summary of the online-video sites it feeds, and provides user feedback about the site and monetization status (whether you can make money on the sites). You can also read the “Zagat’s”-like report as a PDF. Thanks to Mark from TubeMogul for bringing this to our attention.

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  1. It’s a shame Tube Mogul restricted their report to only the sites they distribute to but it’s understandable why they would. There are other opportunities for monetization out there.

    I’ve never heard anyone mention viewbug.com here so if you haven’t discovered it, you may want to check it out (and no I’m not affiliated with them other than as a newly registered user).

    I uploaded my first video and it won their weekly award (cash prize of US$30). They’re looking for original video, image and music content. I figure if one of my videos can win a weekly award some of the company here will be a shoe in for the bigger prizes.

    Presently award winners are selected by staff (which suggests they’re not such a big site yet) but disappointingly they recently announced that viewers would have some input by way of suggesting winners (the more suggestions the more likely that content would win – allowing creators with larger audiences some leverage in the decision process).

    It’s not a bad site. It has some opportunities for community development through comments and private messaging and the addition of music and photos gives it a point of difference from most video sites.

  2. kevin,so is the youtube partners program paying quarterly,in monopoly money or what? Oh wait,thats probably classified info huh? If you tell us,they might send in their black helicopters to visit you one night!

  3. Kevin had to sign a non-disclosure agreement to qualify as a Youtube Partner. I understand Youtube’s position on this. People would snicker and giggle at the pennies they’re paying (or NOT paying). Big corporation handing out nickels. It must be embarrassing for them.

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