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NBC and Carson Daly: Finally a Way to Make Money on Viral Video Content

daly.jpgAnother big media player enters the viral space. It’s NBC, who stumbled initially in the “new media” space by suing YouTube for running SNL’s “Lazy Sunday.” But now they seem to be the leading major network to embrace viral video.

Carson Daly and NBC have launched “It’s Your Show TV” (www.itsyourshowtv.com). Viewers can submit short videos throughout October and early November. There’s a cash prize of $1,000 for the winners of each of 18 challenges, and a chance to compete for the big payday: $100,000 and the opportunity to get their video on NBC.

“User-generated content seems to have been everywhere,” Daly tells the New York Daily News. “What we’re doing is creating a site that offers a little more focus. And also paying people, because everybody’s making these videos but nobody’s getting paid.”

Pictured here: Carson Daly with Tara Reid. Daly is the first person to ever go on a date with Reid.

Source: NYDaily News article by Merisa Guthrie, found via Talia, who blogs about Israel.

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  1. Sorry taltalk. Lost your name because I deleted the Good Morning America post. They bagged my video.

    Zack- I haven’t even gone to the site yet… I’m kinda tired of losing contests. No luck on mentosgeyser today.

  2. It’s all good, nalts. The name’s Talia, but i don’t think it was listed there before anyway. 🙂 GMA are idiots to sack your video. They’ll be after you yet!

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