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Napkin Musical Prank Punks Entire Food Court

Improv Everywhere Food Court MusicalThe folks at Improv Everywhere have done it again. This one gave me goose bumps. A spontanious musical number has an entire food court baffled. When security arrives, things get even more interesting.

I give you “Food Court Musical.”

Seriously. Does anyone know these people? I’ve been trying to get into the secret mailing list FOREVER. Guys, Improv Everywhere folks. I’ve done Farting in Public. Mall Pranks. Chicken Pranks. Mother’s Day Prank. Ice Cream Prank. Mad Turkey. Prank the Garbage Man.

Let me in. I can work in an ensemble. I can get to NYC on short notice. I have no shame.

NOTE: I heard from Charlie Todd last night, and joined the Improv Everywhere Ning. Fingers crossed!

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  1. The organizer’s name is Charlie Todd, he’s a teacher and performer for the Upright Citizens Brigade in New York. His bio/contact info should be on their site. And you can sign up for the mailing list on the Improv Everywhere site

  2. Saw this yesterday. Loved it! I wish I had been in that food court.

    Improv Everywhere is great; did you see their “Frozen Grand Central”? I think that one even made the evening news.

    PS-I beat sukatra here today!

  3. This is the group that was formed out of Flash Mobs, remember them? I so wanna do this! they should plan something for the philly gathering in july,July 12th to be exact, i would so do this in a heart beat.oh but you knew that already

  4. they should consider me! I don’t know if any of you have seen my “Strange Bread Video” but it’s OUTRAGEOUS!!

    I’m kidding, it sucked.

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