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  1. Okay, as I’ve said many times, I have no life and way too much time on my hands. So I did my own version of the wired cover re: the criticism you’ve been getting. I sent it to your gmail account. I hope you like it. If you didn’t, jischinger made me do it.

    I so need to get a job.

  2. They cant take away your YouTube anymore… you stir up too much trouble when YT isn’t there to distract you.

  3. hey Nalts,thats a great photo and magazine cover too,but i dont see tom cruise going around wearing a cap with “tom cruise” printed on it! lol just joking ,u rock!

  4. As Marques would say, “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH”

    and wait a minute there sukatra! The deal was, you’re not supposed to talk or I get your free time, paid!

    Pretty funny nalts – hope it actually happens soon!

  5. Kevin,
    Congratulations Kevin! Hooray for Kevin!!!!!!!!!
    Do I need to buy the magazine to read the story? I tried the site and they want a year’s subscription!

  6. I recreated it and sent it to you again but I’m not sure if it will work. If it doesn’t, rest assured that it was hilarious and obviously the work of a comedic genius.

  7. Oh. My. God. i have to go out and buy copies and put it them on my ceiling.

  8. Thanks for the link – naturally having an ego as big as Nalts (even if my subscriber list doesn’t quite match) I made my own cover and posted it on my blog. šŸ™‚

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