Make Your OWN YouTube “Life in a Day”

Sure you’re not thrilled that your clip wasn’t selected for the “YouTube Life in a Day” film by Ridley Scott. Who wouldn’t be offended? I was even though I helped promote the “call for clips” with this video seen by a quarter of a million peeps. I mean, common. My neighborhood was burglarized that very day (June 24, 2010)! I thought that was going to be the film’s “money shot.”

But have no fear. According to the YouTube blog, you can remix your own version of the trailer, and perhaps sneak your own clip in.

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  1. I was disappointed at first when none of my clips were picked. I uploaded 3 1/2 hours of video for the project. Then I saw the final movie and 99% of the clips were from professional filmmakers instead of YouTubers so I don’t feel that bad. Still a good movie, just not a movie told from the youtube perspective as it was billed.

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