“Mad Men” Fake Twitter Personality Spawns Startup

It started when Carri Bugbee started tweeting as PeggyOlson, a character from “Mad Men.” Now it’s spawned a startup called bigdealpr.

carri bugbee: the voice behind Mad Men's peggy olson

Here’s a nice video story from AdAge.com about how Carri went from taking on the persona of a television show she liked (for fun not profit) to a starting a firm to help brands and entertainment companies. AMC responds to how they felt about its show, Mad Men, took on an online narrative based on the show… without their oversight or funding.

To enjoy the video, you’ll have to suffer through “Twitter 101.” and thank goodness Bugbee didn’t brand her company based on the AdAge headline: Building a Twitter Ad Agency for Entertainment Companies. We think that would be “10 minutes ago” in 2 minutes.

Bugbee says there is ROI on Twitter because it drives traffic to other sites, and is “the most essential news source” for people and many brands are “just blowing it… or pushing information out there… and that’s not how Twitter works.” Then there’s that thing that moms are “huge on Twitter.”

Check out Bugbee’s Stumbleupon for more.

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