Lulu Drops Membership Fee: Growth or Desperation?

News from Now Davideo may not be the only person using it!

Dear Lulu TV user,

A lot can happen in a year. We launched as a viral video co-op, where shareholders bought into the marketplace, and split the revenues. We
then decided we could put even more cash into the pool by sharing ad revenue. And not some namby pamby 50/50 split, we did it Lulu style. We split it 80/20. That means we put 80% of all ad revenue into the monthly pool, and if you get 1% of the traffic, you get 1% of the money. That’s it. You also get larger file size uploads.

Our top money maker made over $10,000 in three months and got on The Tonight Show. Another made over $3,000 in three weeks and got himself a TV development deal.

Then something really crazy occurred to us. Why not drop the subscription fee, and let *everyone* compete for the moolah. So now,
anyone who upgrades to the FREE shareholder account, gets their share of the ad revenue based on traffic.

That’s right, dear faithful user. You are now invited to join in the madness. If you want to get in on the cash action, just go to:

Thanks for all your support,
The Booming Voice of Lulu TV

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  1. Ha ha that was me, Kevin i made over $18K with them last year, well over. They are an amazing group of people and sooo friendly. THE BEST.

  2. I would have SOOO named it something else if I had realized you had complete search-engine dominance on those terms, Davideo!

  3. I just made $72 from That was from one video, and not my best one. I haven’t been putting my work in the pay-pool because… well, because I’m working with Lulu on this ‘n that and some of the people who run the company are old friends and, um, like that.

    Anyway, Lulu has some neat things coming up, but I don’t officially know about them so my lips are sealed.

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