Is Revver Dead? First Ad-Sharing Website is MIA.

Have we seen the last of, the first online-video site that shared advertising revenue with creators? It’s MIA… check

This blog began as “Revverberation,” and was primarily about the website… sadly it got little traction, was acquired, and eventually stopped paying creators. See Revver’s Wikipedia entry for all the good will it left in its dust… especially when LiveUniverse snatched it up (that website seems DOA too).

It’s ironic… my parody (Chapter11TV) seems to have outlived it.

But if there’s one thing sadder than Revver’s death is the possibility that there’d be no official funeral, right?

revver is dead
Is Revver dead?

Oh and keep up the comment wars… I cherish them.

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  1. Yeah, I’ve got a copy of the 1099 around here somewhere. I had a lot of videos on Revver. You made more than $800, surely. Between you and I, we had like 80 percent of all the Revver content at one point, didn’t we?

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