iPad is Pissed

I couldn’t help reflect on my commute this morning about how very sad the iPad must be from the scathing reception he’s received. Perhaps he’s hurting deep down, and needs to vent in a “hater” vlog. So I gave him the chance.

It was fun to watch the faces of people as I drove up Route 202 through New Jersey with a mask on my face, a camera on the dashboard, and a paper taped to the window with some notes I drafted up (while at a red light, of course).

Poor guy. Can you blame him for being so angry? He’s doing the best he can within his own limitations.

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  1. Hey Nalts,

    Good to see you on the Thesis framework! I’ve been a long-time fan of your videos (and even once made a tribute montage). If you need any help with customization, feel free to send me an email!


  2. Kevin – that’s terrific – letting me know that my cheapskate PC days will continue. As my hubby puts it – the Macbook is “cute” 🙂
    Keep ’em coming!

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