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Intersection of Content and Advertising: Pier Screenings

I don’t often regret living on the East Coast, but here’s an event that sucks to miss. LonelyGirl14 Creator Greg Goodfried is speaking about the intersection of content and advertising. It’s part of a series called “Pier Screenings: Web video from the littel screen tot he big one.,” and it’s sponsored by NewTeeVee and Metacafe.

NewTeVee writes:

This month’s theme is the intersection of content and advertising. What’s that mean? Well, online video creators are doing their best to prove that old techniques for creation and distribution of content aren’t the only way. Commissioned user-generated ads, endorsements and sponsorships, and product placement are sometimes controversial extensions of that innovation to monetization.

Our guest speaker this month is Greg Goodfried, co-creator of the Lonelygirl15 series. He tell us about his team’s efforts to monetize their hit internet series by utilizing methods such as product placement, to the extent of including a sponsored character from Neutrogena (mentioned in the clip above).

As you know I have strong feelings about product placement in online video. It’s simply perverse, and LonelyGirl15 is a big sellout (insert sarcasm widget here).

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  1. so… two of the big voices in online video have live, face-to-face events to talk about their medium?

  2. You know there’s this new invention all the kids are talking about — it’s called a plane.

  3. Putting together comment one and four… it would be cool to be able to watch it live. Can’t afford a plane trip (or the time off). Spent too much in NYC. That place is a wallet killer.

  4. McNuggets, y’all. I meant McNuggets. I’d like to see a report here on the two most recent YT success stories that I’ve seen on Fox News in the last few days: the GEICO kid and the McNuggets hip hoppers. It looks to me like there’s big bucks in making on spec commercials for Youtube. We need to be making commercials for flea collars and feed stores and WalMart and Chinese dog food. That’s what sells. (By the way, both recent successes where corporations bought the rights to Youtube videos involved on screen spitting. Word to the wise: spit more in your videos!)

  5. Marquisdejolie – If advertisers are buying crap off youtube, I should be a millionaire very soon.

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