I Was a Knife on Annoying Orange

I’ve had only been a few days on YouTube as exciting as today! I finally made a cameo as MR. KNIFE GUY on Annoying Orange, the show created by Daneboe/Gagfilms.

Mr. Knife Guy on Annoying Orange
Nalts takes guest role on Annoying Orange as "Mr. Knife Guy"

Honestly I find it more rewarding appearing in a video by someone I admire, than making my own videos. Dane sent me the script last weekend, and I spent the better part of Saturday trying to “sharpen” my acting skills for this “cut up.” My four children adore the show, and I’ve missed two e-mails from Dane inviting me for a guest spot. Thanks to everyone who ensured I didn’t miss this shot- stalkerofnalts, wifeofnalts.

I think that’s going to be my new mission… see how many cameos I can snag in my favorite shows. If iJustine can be a corpse on Criminal Minds, I can be a dead guy on College Humor or The Onion, right?

Be sure to check out Annoying Orange if you haven’t seen the web series. Dane is featured in my book, and has in just a year taken this character to the 11th most-subscribed of all time on YouTube with nearly 300 million views. I was also psyched to see two other folks I’ve had the pleasure of meeting… BobJenz (Punchy) as ginger and Peter Coffin as the song writer of Mr. Knife Guy. It rocks.

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  1. hey Nalts! our first co-starring gig together! I was a last minute substitute for another YouTuber who blew it. So, my third AO character is GINGER! Haha… BTW, I’d say I’m far more known for being the Grapefruit and Leprechaun from the Annoying Orange now than Punchy. In fact, get ready for a lot of videos coming soon from Leprechaun’s own channel at http://youtube.com/leprechaun – already have over 100,000 subs on a few vids. 🙂

  2. Does this mean you are going to try and become the Stan Lee of youtube with your new cameo goal? If so, I support the movement.

  3. Knife has been in more episodes than just about anyone except the Annoying Orange himself.

    He has to have you back now that Knife is a character.

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