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I Can’t Stop Watching Jorg

jorg.jpgThe true sign of a viral video star is when viewers simply can’t wait for the next episode. I’ve been watching Jorg’s two clips (the original, the E Holywood Story, and the dance contest) over and over and over. I want more. Jorg’s creator is BrettNovak.com.

His first video got more than 300K views on YouTube. Had that happened on Metacafe he’d have $1,500.00 and he has no idea. Then again, he’s a thumb. His expenses are probably pretty low.

It really bums me out to discover great talent on YouTube making videos as volunteers as the founders make a mint. Yes- YouTube helped them get famous. But YouTube road their backs. Sure a few have moved to Revver. But the rest have never made a dime, and they don’t know they can!

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  1. Stop giving out the secrets Kevin!

    YouTube rocks! Everyone just upload their videos there. Also, keep uploading those hilarious videos of South Park split into three parts. I love watching those.

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