How to Pretend You Care About Politics

“Talk about how sad it is that people refuse to get involved in politics,” says Dan Carlyle, Today Now’s Political Correspondent. “Blaming others for being uninformed is always a great way to seem informed yourself.”

That was part of Carlyle’s advice for people who would like to pretend they give a shit about November’s U.S. election. Carlyle Carlyle provided that advice to Today Now! Host Jim Haggerty and his lovely Co-Host Tracy Gill interview Carlyle, and are subject to his “phone fakeout” when asked about healthcare.

Carlyle also urges us to return from “fake voting” on election day with a poll anecdote that is specific, but not so specific that someone could check it out. “‘I ended up in line right behind my old college roommate‘ works. But ‘the roof caved in’ doesn’t.”


Today Now!: How To Pretend You Give A Shit About The Election

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  1. I plan on saying “Osama bin Laden was ahead of me in line, and when they couldn’t find his name on the list he blew them up. I had no idea he was such a tool.”

  2. Ha. So I totally came here right before going over to the Nalt’s compound to beat Sukatra. I CAME WITH A PURPOSE.

    And there she fricken is.

    Whatever. Sukatra. I have no derogatory things to say to you at the moment. Please give me some juice.

    You’re a WVFF junkie…that makes you a tool.

    Oh, Kevin. Nice post, I’m sure….maybe I’ll read it later.

  3. Yeah, I totally watched the video and read the blog. Funny part where he said his dog ate his voting center parking validation stub.

  4. sukatra: Do you sleep, or just hang out here all day?

    It is sad, however, that so many people ARE uninformed and don’t vote. I guess we get the government we deserve.

  5. sukatra: Do you sleep, or just hang out here all day and night?

    It is sad, however, that so many people ARE uninformed and don’t vote. I guess we get the government we deserve.

  6. I absolutely love the onion. Nalts, do you get the paper version? If not, I’ll send it to you. They started it in the town I live in…Madison, WI

  7. this is one of the greater things of being underage.

    my excuse is “I’m to young to have an opinion that matters.”

    of course, if I actually believed that, I wouldn’t be on youtube, but hey.

  8. You are never too young to have an opinion. We always discussed politics at the dinner table and my sons were reading the editorial page of the newspaper well before they were old enough to vote. My personal philosophy is: “If you do not vote, you can not complain.”

  9. I’m going to add some fine print to your philososphy:

    “void if complainee is not yet 18 years of age.”

    other than that, I agree with you, Marilyn.

  10. Good point, brindle15. But you can always discuss your views with your parents and try to sway them to your way! ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. “sway them to your way”?

    they swayed me to there way long ago ๐Ÿ˜€ I thought you had done the same to your kids.

  12. Yeah, you’re right, brindle15. Children’s views are usually a product of their parents’ views. But some children rebel against their parents views. Then there is the quote, often wrongly attributed to Winston Churchill:
    “If you’re not a liberal when you’re 25, you have no heart. If you’re not a conservative by the time you’re 35, you have no brain.”

    Of course, I choose to heartily disagree with that statement. ๐Ÿ™‚

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