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How to Make Your Own Online-Video Site

This 6-minute video tutorial (“How to Make Your Own Online Video Site”) is designed to accompany the post from last week titled “The Idiot’s Guide to Making an Online Video Site.” It’s really quite easy- even if you have no technical skills like me. Check out www.CubeBreak.com to see an example of a site I created without a lick of technical training.

Why bother?

  1. You’ll have your own URL to brand your videos
  2. You can easily tell friends how to access your videos without having them get lost in another video site
  3. You can make money (via Revver, Google ads, and Amazon affiliate fees)

Here are the 5 steps:

  1. Park a domain (Yahoo.com will give you monthly hosting with e-mail)
  2. Build a site (I use Yahoo Sitebuilder)
  3. Create video “collections” on Revver
  4. Grab the “widget” code from Revver and drop them into HTML boxes on your site
  5. Ad additional ads

The money won’t exactly pour in until you promote the site well (more on that in future and past posts). Good luck- let me know if you make one, or if you have questions. Contact information in the “About” page of this blog.

(Click picture below to play video)

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