How to Ensure I Don’t Win the Coke Video Contest

I used to shy away from online-video contests because they can be fiercly competitive and “out of my league.” But I’ve tried a few this summer, and I keep getting “runners up” or “semi finalist” without actually winning. This has happened with four contests, and it’s a damned tease.

26192299coke.jpgSo I’ve decided to “throw” the Coke contest by deploying the following 5 strategies:

  1. I’ve made sure my entry sucks. Here it is. Wach it twice (and give it a 1 star) because the second view is downright painful. It’s one of only 7 entries, and the deadline seems to have been extended.
  2. I started a campaign to annoy the judge, ZeFrank
  3. I’ve portrayed Coke marketers in a negative light (such as in this video titled “Viral Video Broker“). That’s not an actualy Coke person on the phone.
  4. I drink Diet Pepsi unless Diet Coke is cheaper because I like the pretty blue packaging.

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  1. I am not sure which of those is yours (or if yours is the white box), but if your goal is to lose the competition, you certainly have some tough competition…..In fact, I think that white box is the best one so far.

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