How Many People Are Watching Online Video in 2012?

comScore reports that 181 million U.S. Internet users watched nearly 40 billion videos of online video content in January. YouTube ranks first with 152 million views, and the rest of the pack (Sony’s VEVO, Yahoo, Viacom, Facebook) attracted about 45 to 52 million viewers (about one third of the Google-owned leader).

Some interesting statistics from this month’s comScore report:
> 84.4 percent of the U.S. Internet audience viewed online video.
> The duration of the average online content video was 6.1 minutes, while the average online video ad was forty seconds.
> Video ads accounted for 12.2 percent of all videos viewed, but just 0.9 percent of all minutes spent viewing video online.

YouTube viewers watched 18.6 billion videos in 2012’s first month, and that’s 4 per day per person (by my calculations, which haven’t been reviewed by Stalkerofnalts).

And how about ads? We viewed 5.6 billion video ads in January, with Hulu again leading with 1.4 billion ad views. The advertising networks (who stream ads on a variety of properties) ranked next, with at 652 million ad views, followed by BrightRoll Video Network with 598 million, Tremor Video with 580 million and Specific Media with 398 million.
Finally- YouTube channels? Warner and Vevo lead the pack, but Machinima and Maker Studios (aggregates of top YouTube channels) are third and fourth.

And here’s a photo of my niece and nephew.

Nephew and Niece of Nalts

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  1. “…181 million U.S. Internet users watched nearly 40 billion videos of online video content in January. YouTube ranks first with 152 million views..”

    YouTube ranks first with only 0.38% of the 40 billion views?

    …oh, you meant viewers, not views.

  2. I wonder what percent of internet bandwidth is used up on advertisements. Between video ads and the ads embedded on web pages, I’d be willing to estimate that at least ten percent of all bandwidth is used for advertisements. I wouldn’t be surprised if it were closer to thirty or forty percent.

  3. Hi everybody! Miss me? Sorry, I have been way too busy lately to come around, but I think of you often. Well, occasionally. OK, sometimes. Alright, never, but the sentiment was heartfelt nevertheless.

    Nalts, when are you going to post new videos? I can’t hold my poop in much longer.

  4. Went to work for the V.A. in the blood and guts department, grew a killer goatee, moved into a veterans home where the Wi-Fi is lousy but the food excellent.

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