Hiding My Lisp With Voiceover

me.jpgSo I’ve got a lisp. I’m reminded of this because I get roasted in “comments” on my videos occasionally. “You have a lisp… you’re gay.”

In this video I confess about how this lisp has plagued me since I was a young child and Mason McCarthy and Scott Daly used to ask me to say “dinosaur,” and then laugh at my S. But it’s not a problem anymore.

I have my own personal voiceover guy. Thanks to Slatersgarage.com for this one!


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  1. Well my good friend Bobby Valentine says he doesn’t even notice the lisp! (funny video Kev!) yumajohnny

  2. Just ask them a question — “Am I visiting YOUR site, watching YOUR videos? Didn’t think so.” Got’em!

    (And often the very things that we would each change about ourselves would take away from who we are.)

  3. You have a lisp! You’re gay!!

    :P. Anyone who says that should be beat damn it. Your lisp is fine. I saw the video last night, the voice over was done well. I like how professional it sounds.

  4. You sound like a fag with that lisp, get off youtube! your a disgrace to the american language! (but that doesn’t matter to me). You should listen to the nobody likes onions podcast, they have a guy that breaths really really heavily down the mic (their shows are about an hour long).

  5. I love the video, but I still blame GooTube for stealing your voice!
    Have fun tomorrow, Mr. Viral Videologist!

  6. Nalts! I am SO WITH YOU ON THIS! I have a lisp too! or, i did… not so much anymore! I went to a speech therapist for 14 years… so i’m pretty good with my ssssssssssssssssssssssssss’s now!

  7. I know for a fact that Nalts does not have a lisp. It’s just that his mouth is constantly full of Nonfat Doritos fried in delicious Olestra.

  8. PC is remembering a meeting in which I pledged to complete an entire bag of Olien Doritos (because I heard about the stool droppings and wanted to see them for myself).

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