Groove With the Funk of “Kutiman Thru-You”

Thru You: Kutiman Mixes YouTube

Thru You: Kutiman Mixes YouTube



The Kutiman “Thru-You” funk! It’s “The Mother of All Funk Chords.” I wrote about it yesterday, and the Thru-You website still dead. But thanks to Jan for finding this delicious groove on YouTube.

It’s a mix of some soul-packed talent on YouTube, and it’s as creative as The Mystery Guitar Man’s “Impossible” (he’s the guy that wrote my original Nalts theme song). I hate to admit how I discovered it. You see, I was reading Marquisdejolie’s Twitter, and saw him reacting to ZeFrank. Surprised that ZeFrank is still alive, I found his Twitter… and he posted about this tune.

If your body doesn’t start to wiggle while you listen to this, you gotta lay off the Xanax.


MiguelSi:, theremin:…
TheHitman1990 (Bernard Purdie clip), drums:…
MarloweDK, bass:…
RockOnGoodPeople, funk guitar:…
StringQuartet, gts-solo:…
Meewsic, blues harp and vocals:…
OriginalGuitarLesson (BJ Cunningham), rock guitar:…
Shellman1982, contrabass trombone:…
ExpertVillage, trombone:…

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