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Google Spiders Love Video Sites. But Advertisers Are Missing.

I am continually amazed by how my video titles and tags rank on Google. For almost all of my titles — especially the uniquely worded ones — I appear on the first page. I’m number one for the word “Healies.” I’m all over the first page for Mad Turkey. Too much competition for the word “Crackberry,” but I do well if you add the word “video” and search Crackberry Video.

So why is this important? What if my videos had advertisements for Heelys shoes or Blackberry accessories? I’d get traffic from Google without having to buy keywords. I’m sure the word Healies has a decent CPC (cost per click).

When will advertisers start making use of videos to sell or brand product via Google’s traditional search engines? It’s a great way to “warm up the prospect.” Especially if there’s some useful or entertaining information before the ad.

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