Give Your Video a Film Look (How-To Video)

beach bypass and film look on videoWhat’s the difference between a CharlesTrippy and MrSafety video and the rest of us? They use good lighting, and adjust the video for that film look. Both are very willing to share their tips, so I’ll post them soon. In the meantime, YouTube is a treasure trove for “how to” (DIY) videos on using advanced effects. I use Mac’s iMovie, which is extremely limited but I’m too lazy to learn something more complex. For several years, I’ve had Final Cut Express (a simpler version of the Final Cut Pro that professionals use) but rarely use it except green screen or split screen.

Today I experimented with applying a “beach bypass” look that gives your video that tinsel look of film. Here’s a beach bypass “how to” video for Final Cut Express. Here’s another for Final Cut Pro for those of you that are rich or steal software. These may work for other PC-based editing as well, since it’s simply overlaying two layers — one with low saturation and the other with high contrast.

As the medium matures, more of the top creators (CollegeHumor) are stepping up their cinematography. I won’t soon be posting 2-minute short films, but I am trying to make my crappy web videos a bit more like TV/film. As the audience grows past us “early adopters,” the mainstreamers and laggards will seek out content that looks more like what they’re accustomed to watching.

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  1. I do what I can, but I don’t have enough room in my house to light properly.

    Zack does a good job, though. His footage looked the best in our video EASILY.

  2. As an early adopter, I think I’ll just opt out early rather than blow my kids’ inheritance on better video equipment. Besides, I need new tires for my pickup and hot water for mom’s house.

    Are all y’all ready for your 20% pay cut?

  3. When are you going back to work? You should be making videos every day since you’re home. Slacker. I miss the days when you did videos every day. Some of them were vlog-like but I liked them because you have a clever way with words.Many times I would have to rewatch a video to pick up on a very subtle but funny joke you included in the video.

    Okay now that I’m dones sucking up to you, either make more videos or I will sic Hank on you with his especially sharp little teeth.

  4. Great suggestions. I use a similar technique to this for my “real” videos (e.g. the ones I get paid to do). The extra time and effort involved would probably improve my YouTube content, but I’m lazy and wildly unpopular anyway. 😀

    No, I might have to start stepping it up. I need to get my social media stuff to a point where I’m actually making money. I more than spend what I get from my partner income on props, sets, and fast food to fuel my psychotic dreams that become my YouTube videos.

  5. Beach Pass effect is on I Moive 09. It only takes seconds to add.

    I really suggest if you have a mac to upgrade to Ilife 09 they improved I Movie so much. It takes a little getting used to, but it is totally worth it. People will think that your a total professional genius rich person when you do the picture in picture effect. When in actuality it was just a couple clicks and a less than 70 dollars.

  6. I’d do this, but it would only multiply the time and effort I spend on making a video, which, currently is at zero, because school is taking up that time.

  7. I just 20 minutes ago got released from another emergency room. Oh how I long for the days when Beach Pass would excite me. Gotta spend more time outside the 480×360 box. Doctor’s orders.

  8. @6: I agree with you, sukatra (but then, don’t I always?) 🙂

    Please make more videos Kevin. Those of us who have been watching you for years got sucked in by the daily dose of Nalts, until you had us addicted. Now we are lucky to get weekly doses. I don’t do well on withdrawal.

    Except for the fact that it was 1 year on Tuesday since I quit smoking!!! Yeah for me!!

  9. ^ Besides the newfound wealth, are there any benefits to that smoking cessation thing? Now that I have a doctor’s excuse for failing on YouTube, I’m going to have time for things like quitting tobacco and planting a garden. I’m also thinking about dabbling in trolling.

  10. @14: I have been saving what I would have spent on cigarettes and am going on a cruise this summer. Plus, I can walk up stairs without getting out of breath (although my knees still hurt!), can ride my bike to work without passing out, and I don’t stink all the time.

    Also, I get to spend my whole lunch period in the faculty dining room with my friends instead of going outside (after walking off school property) to stand in the sub-freezing air to puff away my life.

  11. So where’s WoN’s new video, huh? I knew she’d flake out. Come on, she’s good. At least do one more.

  12. Found the same thing with AfterEffects. These programs are so powerful and the learning curve is pretty steep.

    @MDJ When I quit smoking I found that I had a whole lot more cash to plow into other fun activities like drinking beer and gambling.

  13. I miss the days when you could wake up on a Saturday morning and KNOW Nalts had been up at 3 a.m. uploading just so you could have a fresh video with your morning coffee.

    He’s gone all corporate/marketing wonk on us.

  14. …it’s going to be 43 degrees today and 50 tomorrow.

    That’s warm enough to let children play outside.

    It’s gonna be a good weekend.

    Anyways. I didn’t read the blog…I just clicked on the links. To my amazement…I had actually expected something slightly intriguing.


  15. Hey I do need to make a new YouTube video. I’m kinda scared to post one after the last one popped. It’s hard to go from 1.6 million to a video that gets 20K views.

  16. @21&22
    Hoo boy, we can ALL relate to that! Don’t let the flop sweats get you down! We’re sure your next videos will be HILARIOUS!!! Crank one out. We’ll be watching. ALL of us. With baited breath. Breathlessly. Watching for your next fantabulous viral hit.

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