
Gender Switch? Ask Your Doctor About Femedone

femedone.jpgThinking of switching genders? Ask your doctor about Femedone (see video). Thank goodness we didn’t accidentally call it Femidone, which is apparently a female condom.

This goes to show… be careful about taking other people’s prescription drugs.

I’ve been on business travel and vacation, and I can’t tell you how good it felt to wake up today at 5:00 a.m. and edit.

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  1. This is sick humor…and I LOVE it. Laughed so hard that I interupted call in the next office…oh well we didn’t need that new pharmaceutical client anyway.

  2. Welcome back! i’ve ben enjoying watching your adventures on other people channels. Your look of shock when you saw Lemonette was priceless! Glad you had fun and it’s nice to have you back 🙂
    Oh I did have a dream I drove to your house and your kids told me to get lost hahah

  3. Be careful about taking other people’s prescription drugs . . . words to live by, unless you find their stash of vicodin.

  4. When I realized you were in DFW, I was SO BUMMED. You should have had a “Fan Happy Hour” with everyone.
    Call me next time you are in town.

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