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Fox to Sell Prison Break Episodes for $1.99 Online

nasty-prisonbreak-tatoo.jpgRegarding the recent news of Google/Viacom and Fox’s move to sell video online, Catherine Holahan of Business Week Online writes:

…The deals show just how far the online video industry has come in the past year—and are a harbinger of where it’s headed in a hurry. In a matter of months, many online video sites have evolved from pages packed with poor-quality home videos and pirated clips to video stores offering legitimate pay-per-download movies and network content.

Click here to read the article titled “Fox Feeds the Online Furry.” I encourage a visit so you can see a headline with alliteration, and a website that features quite possible the most annoying, intrusive talking AMD video banners — ever created.

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One Comment

  1. Nalts, in the above quote, which are you? “many online video sites have evolved from pages packed with poor-quality home videos?”

    I would prank call them!

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