Fake Waterslide Ramp Jump… But Still Fun to Watch
Who says fake viral videos aren’t fun to watch anyway?
Who says fake viral videos aren’t fun to watch anyway?
There are a few of these, but none top this. Here’s 8 years of a guy’s face played out rapidly. Watch his hair grow. Watch his facial hair come and go. Amazing.
I don’t believe I’ve written about Flixya yet, but here’s another way to make money on your videos (or other peoples’). Flixya wraps your videos — which can live on sites like YouTube to Revver — with Google Adsense ads. They give you half the earnings. Via PinoyHack.
If you don’t find this funny then you should have a doctor check you for comedic anemia. Here’s “Barats and Bereta” (creators of the famous “Mother’s Day Card“) with the comedy duo’s latest contribution to viral video. I give you “Winward Reports: Cubicle War 2006.” If these two can’t make money through viral video, we’re…
Alright, the “Cheat sheet for marketers interested in online video” didn’t get a lot of views. And frankly I get more people consuming my content in an hour than read this damned blog in a day. So to hell with you. Here’s what you should do to get viral, stupid marketers and agencies. Spend an…
… you know you’ve been written up on HappySlip. I had assumed everyone knows who she is, but I’m finding out otherwise. Get over to HappySlip’s blog right now. Her blog is People Magazine to my East Baltimore Guide. Who did your logo, HappySlip!? It’s splendid.
Why did Kony 2012 go viral? More than 30 million views in the last 24 hours, and likely well past 40 million total by the time you read this. Sure the story is being picked apart as I type, but let’s stay focused… So what made this 30-min documentary viral? We asked the author of…
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That’s pretty cool. They did a pretty good job with the effects.
Reminds me of Human Trebuchets:
(not fake).
Reminds me of that German guy who kept trying to kill himself on a cliff with guns, knives, rocks, jumps etc but finally gives up. Remember that one?