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Drool at the Mac iPhone… Engadget Has the “Blow by Blow”

nerd.jpgMy sister sent me this elevator photo this morning and titled the e-mail “Nerds.” It’s the crowd going to Macworld. She works for “big media” and they’re interviewing Jobs today. But she doesn’t deserve to. It would be like her watching me interview (insert name of famous fashion designer).

So have you been reading the blow-by-blow on Macworld? If not, get off this blog immediately and see Engadget! They’ve got details and photo of the new iPhone. $500with a plan, and available in June but only through Cingular. Yes you can watch videos on it, as well as surf Google Earth and anything else you can imagine.


It’s a Phone


It’s a Lil’ Television

 My favorite part of the stream-of-consciousness post is when Endgadget said, of Cingular CEO Stan Sigman. “Man this guy is a total snoozer.”

Anyway check out that new iPhone and feel free to send it to me as a Fathers’ Day gift.

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  1. Oh gee i’m seriously desperate for this. It’s now a hard choice between the wii and the iphone… I SOOOOO want the wii but then again I SOOOOOO want the iphone. I’ve decided that I can live without the wii. I was sitting in bed last night then suddenly saw on the apple website “IPHONE” Ended up watching half of the few hour long speach Mr Jobs was going through. Just left on the last section talking about all the advanced technology. One of the main fetures i’ll be playing with would be the distance and ambient light sensors. There is no geek in the world that won’t find them interesting.

    I’ve already convinced a few friends at school that the iphone is bleeding awsome. It’s just the crack pots that just go ‘the iphone is shit, i can get windows media player on mine’… untrue unresearched view. The iphone is totally amazing and there’s absolutely no doupt it has as much chance as making it big as its well known ipod. One thing i’ve been pondering is this other product which is also called iphone, wether or not apple is going to be under attack by it.

    Little pause…

    The concept designs looked awsome, even the traditional phone type one they showed on the keynote speach. But what they have made is just a work of art.

    (Open to donations to help buy the phone.)

  2. I think I’ve read something simillar a few days ago. I don’t remember where, might have been on digg.com or slashdot.

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