Dr. Horrible Mocks TV & Internet Video on Emmy’s
Neil Patrick Harris, of Dr. Horrible Singalong Blog, used his place on the Emmy’s to mock himself, mainstream media and Internet video. Via Pete Cashmore on Mashable via Steve Garfield.
Neil Patrick Harris, of Dr. Horrible Singalong Blog, used his place on the Emmy’s to mock himself, mainstream media and Internet video. Via Pete Cashmore on Mashable via Steve Garfield.
As an update on a recent report about popular online video sites, here are the latest site rankings of online video sites according to Alexa. Not all of the online video sites allow for uploading and sharing, so they’re not all packed with viral videos. * Refers to those that give you the ability to…
The coolest thing about marketers are the titles they give their books. Common, right? They’re marketers. What do you expect? “The Old Rules of Marketing Are Dead,” by Timothy R. Pearson, was released today and is already the business best-seller on Amazon. Fine- don’t buy it. Just keep doing the old stuff, and at least…
The two largest video-sharing sites (YouTube and Hulu) have business models that increasingly limit their ability to act as a complete video search engines. YouTube has been a Google-esque fast tool for finding video clips that are getting offline buzz, but copyright-law enforcement is weakening it (full examples below). And of course Hulu is meant…
Thanks, Stalkerofnalts for pointing out this video. I heard Falcon Heene answer CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, but couldn’t make it out. When you replay the clip, it’s clear… “you guys said we do this for a show” (or something close to that). Did Falcon just out his parents? Will someone will be interviewing the kid off…
CNN will aggressively investigate THIS hoax.
There are a few of these, but none top this. Here’s 8 years of a guy’s face played out rapidly. Watch his hair grow. Watch his facial hair come and go. Amazing.
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Neil Patrick Harris is one funny gay.
We’re getting into their heads.
I love Dr. Horrible and I am so glad it got a shout-out at the Emmys.
The bit was very clever.
BTW, I emailed you something interesting today, Kevin, I just can’t remember what it was right now. But I am sure it was fascinating.
honestly, it’s a race to see a video on the tubes these days before it’s removed or made private.
is it time to get a life?
@4 Kinda like Nalts’ guaranteed laugh and stupid Friday videos?