Do YOU Know What The Students Are Doing?

Do you know what your student is doing? What if you strapped a camera on his/her head and then crunched the numbers to compare activities like reading, videogaming and watching television? The answer, my friends, is on the tip of the head. Thanks for the contribution, Jan.

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  1. I know what they’re NOT DOING. Having these fucking hot flashes every five minutes.

  2. Am I supposed to feel sorry for these elitist, lazy, techno-dependent, entitled brats? In my day, students had to WORK for a living. Get over yourselves you little snotty nosed, adolescent, over-wired, complaining “life is so hard becaue we actually have to go to a library instead of Google” babies and pull out a pen and paper and start taking notes. I’m sick of hearing it.

  3. As a single mom of 3 boys… I have worked really hard with my boys to help them be independant thinkers. You can not learn that in school. They do not teach it. My boys are not afraid to ask questions or to express an opinion. Unfortunately, this sometimes is misinterpeted as insubordination by some teachers. I have had plenty of meetings surrounding that. In the end they had to agree with me that it is better for the child not to be afraid to take a direction and own it 🙂 That’s what I got out of this video… and by the way… my boys work!

  4. With nearly every Joe Schmuck going to college these days, university has become less of an intellectual pursuit and more like a social experience while working in a diploma mill. For the most part, you get out what you put in though and can have great learning experiences if you take advantage of some of the many opportunities often available.

  5. The push for standardization has come from the federal government (NCLB/RTTT) and from publishing companies who profit from text books and standardized tests. Teachers have pushed for change for decades, but are being forced to adhere to rigid standardization. Further the press (owned by big media) has demonized teachers in recent years by focusing on rare cases of teacher misconduct (thus making such instances seem more common than is actually the case) and this has caused teachers to lose credibility with the general public and have even less power to bring about change. On top of that, it doesn’t help that many cases of teacher misconduct involve the use of technology making other teachers even more afraid to use technology in the classroom.

  6. Just curious why misconduct involving the use of technology is to be feared by the majority of teachers who adhere to a standard of conduct within the classroom?

  7. @TammyFlores – HEADLINE: Connecticut Teacher Cleared of Exposing Kids to Porn. Although she was cleared she still had to plead guilty to a misdemeanor, etc. The point being that inept legal authorities often are overly-eager to prosecute these types of crimes and so teachers become very sheepish about taking any kind of risk whatsoever due to ridiculous horror stories like this.
    FULL ARTICLE:,2933,456924,00.html

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