Changing Blog Theme & New Coke

I’d like to say that switching to Genesis from Thesis was a “New Coke” stunt, designed simply to forge the bond between the 7 WVFF backrow members and the bloated novels I call “posts.” But I’d rather consider this a grand defeat, prefaced by a tremendous waste of time.

My sister said the blog was ugly, and so did you. Happy Christmas Eve.

Is there a “used wordpress template” marketplace? Bought at $80, will sell for $18.50.

Santa Claus Hates You

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  1. Much, much better. Hope you get sick more often…it begets creativity. Or maybe it was the chicken burrito, or whatever the heck you were eating yesterday. Merry Christmas Eve, bro.

  2. I’ll give you about tree fity. Heh. Anyway, yeah this look feels good. Glad you kept the like buttons though, perhaps add a tweet one too.. well I mean I guess you got that via the share this thingy.. anyway… *goes and tries to catch a snow flake*

  3. The number of backrowers has fizzled down to 7?? Hachacha! Does that still even include me?

    Also, glad to see we are back to the basics as far as the theme for this site goes. I didn’t want to say anything, especially so close to the holidays, but, you know…

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