You’re Ugly

Oh sorry. I wasn’t speaking to you. I was talking to the blog. Would value your tips on improving the look and experience of this blog. I used to enjoy interacting more with commenters, but now “new comments” has been demoted visually beneath the big book. So a few thoughts, and welcome yours: 1) More…

What Would Spongebob Do? WWSD?

What would Spongebob do (WWSD) if he found a fan remix of one of his ditties on YouTube? He’d rejoice. But Mr. Crabs? Probably send YouTube a DCMA “take-down” letter. It’s happened before with my homage to Cartoon Network’s Finn & Jake’s beloved “Treetrunks.” Nonetheless, here’s my remix of the lovely “Musical Doodle” earworm from a recent…

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How Much Money Do They Make on YouTube: Exposed

Renetto. Paul Robinette. Remember him? He makes about $55 a day from YouTube, and I once stalked him and shaved my head to assume his persona. He’s one of the guys behind one of the most interesting video website stats and mobile applications you’re bound to love and forget. It’s called MyU2B. See– I had…