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Video & Your Smart Business Marketing Plan

Welcome WVFF Guest Blogger Larry Kless 2009 proved the power of video and social media can change the world. We experience the Presidential Inauguration with millions of friends on Facebook. We read breaking news stories from citizen journalists on Twitter. We saw live as-it-happens video on YouTube hours before the stories reached our televisions and…

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The Destruction of Television

WVFF Guest Blogger Hank Green There seem to be two camps on this debate. One half says that the internet is going to kill television, the other says that the internet is going to make television much better and even more profitable. It seems that we’ve learned nothing from centuries of media outlets becoming less…

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Welcome WVFF Guest Blogger David Meerman Scott, author, speaker, guru Every day, I run across FEAR of marketing on the Web. We’ve got to work together to help people overcome this fear in 2010. Fear comes from bosses who insist on calculating the ROI of the marketing based on sales leads and press clippings. Fear…