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Who Will Make Money With User-Generated Online Video?

You will, dear reader. But now even more people will. Scott Karp, the popular “Publishing 2.0” author, has given away some of our secrets in his article “Who Will Make Money With User-Generated Online Video.” That’s okay. There’s enough to go around. In addition to advertising revenue-sharing, Karp points out “subscription revenue sharing.” I’m having trouble…

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Napster Advertises on YouTube

Look where Napster is advertising. YouTube. Alex, I’ll take “irony” for $1,000 It reminds me of high school when my friend Lee would cheat off of our friend Paul… neither studied. Napster’s “online media buyer” reports the YouTube buy is part of a fantastic suite of CPMs he nailed on sites that also include WebVan,…

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Seven Deadly Sins of Advertising Via Viral Video

Show me a marketer without “viral” on her marketing plan and I’ll show you an online video site that’s profitable. Advertising offline is getting harder with time-shifted television and declining viewership, and online advertising is getting more complex with paid-search prices rising and banner click-thru’s dropping. Given the low variable cost of viral, it’s natural…

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What Will YouTube Do When Paris Hilton Doesn’t Save Them?

TechCrunch’s Marshall Kirpatrick reports that YouTube tomorrow will unveil a number of branded commercial channels– including a Paris Hilton channel being featured on the homepage. This is a surprising and encouraging move from a video site that hasn’t shown any other interesting way to profit from its incredible appeal. Fox has paid an undisclosed sum…

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Top 10 Ways to Get Your Viral Video Seen

Ironic title because a video isn’t viral UNLESS it’s seen. But it got your attention, didn’t it? Here are some tips for ensuring your video is seen beyond 14 teenagers on YouTube. Just like search engines are in constant flux, so is online video. So this advice has a limited shelf life: Make it good….

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Online Video “Officially Goes Mainstream,” Says ComScore

Wow. For a minute I thought this online video fad would pass like the pet rock. But now ComScore ordains it as “officially going mainstream.” We at WillVieoForFood take a more cautious perspective. We’ll believe it’s mainstream when our grandmothe starts watching online videos. Since she’s dead, that’s not happening soon. Here’s the press release…

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Fox to Sell Prison Break Episodes for $1.99 Online

Regarding the recent news of Google/Viacom and Fox’s move to sell video online, Catherine Holahan of Business Week Online writes: …The deals show just how far the online video industry has come in the past year—and are a harbinger of where it’s headed in a hurry. In a matter of months, many online video sites…

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How to Make Money on Online Video

I spoke yesterday with Joe Chapuis yeseterday who is a frequent commenter on WillVideoForFood.com. He’s writing an article on how to make money on online video, so if you have thoughts reach out to him. I don’t want to post his e-mail here but maybe he will. Joe runs a site called “WebVideoZone” that offers…

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Google, Ads and Distribution! “No One’s Ever Done This Before.”

Another online video article by WSJ: “Google to Distribute MTV Clips: Deal for Ad-Backed Videos Could Bolster Revenue, Broaden Viacom’s Reach” by Matthew Karnitschnig. How’d you like to have that last name and have to spell it to people 4 times in a row every single day? The Highlights Google will distribute video programming from…

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Revenue-Sharing Video Sites: Revver vs MotionTV vs Eefoof

This blog was originally founded as a way to help amateur “online video creators” make cash. It’s drifted into a review of the online video industry, advertising implications, and even a source for current popular online viral videos. For this post let’s get back to our roots.  Through the sweat, blood and tears of MarquisdeJolie…