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The Vaccine for Viral Video

As the “auteur of the awful,” who has also marketed vaccines, I believe I have a unique ability to instruct you on how to vaccinate the world from your viral video. Follow these 10 tips and I can almost guarantee you a non-viral video. Make it long. Say 5-10 minutes. Videotape yourself describing your day….

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Portrait of a Viral Video Genius

I was profiled in this important video about viral video. I’m so glad Nalts had an opportunity to share the meaning behind my viral video work. So often I get the questions: Is viral video be taught or is it an innate skill? What makes you an undiscovered legend? What is the greatest of all…

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Wanted: New Marketing Skills for 2007

There’s a fairly new skillset required of marketers as sponsored, user-generated video takes shape this year. Historically, marketers are trained to listen to the customer, shape the messages, and manage the agency to achieve “reach, frequency and single-minded propositions.” Rinse. Repeat. Along comes viral video. At first, marketers sit on the sidelines. They watch. Then…

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Top 10 Online-Video Predictions for 2007

I pulled out my crystal ball this morning, and I’m predicting the most significant online-video highlights of 2007. I’ll be citing these selectively at the end of 2007 (only those in which I was right). Okay I didn’t use a crystal ball. This video tells a better story about the process I used to arrive…

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Top 10 Viral Video Moments of 2006

Given that 2006 was the Year of Online Video, we’d be remiss not to look back at the special highlights of this year. This is not another “top viral videos of the year” list. Goodness knows there are hundreds of those. Instead we’re looking at the moments that changed the industry or perception of it….


The Coolest Creative, Marketing & Innovation Blogs Ever

Mark Simons at The Viral Garden started a “Z-list” of blogs that weren’t getting enough attention but deserved it. Paul from 8Wishes was good enough to add WillVideoforFood, as cited in the entry by All My Causes. Then Seth Godin put an adapted “Z List” on Squidoo. I’m as confused as you are. But there…

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How Do I Get on the YouTube Homepage?

Interesting article from PBS MediaShift about the nuances of the YouTube homepage. As many have discovered, an editor’s pick on YouTube is a career-changing moment. Take Mark Day with his Smiley Intervention. He’s transformed from a local California comedian to an “web-lebrity.” I have nightmares about his bald face against a yellow wall. This MediaShift piece also clarifies…

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Networks Pretend They Can Rival YouTube

In meetings for more than a year, Fox, Viacom, NBC and CBS have pretended that they can coordinate to create a network-friendly online video site. Competitors partering. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. During some meetings, Viacom executives have been known to pour fake tea in plastic tea cups. When some participants don’t…

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Saying No to the $100 Million Bribe from Google

I wish I had more than a few dozen hours of video content. Maybe I’d get a sweet little offer from Google like the networks are getting. Courtesy of the ReelPopBlog.com, here’s a Business Week article about Google’s efforts to keep networks and programmers from suing YouTube/Google. Here’s the funny thing. It’s the end of…