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  1. Yes, VMIX. Here’s a letter from them about “restructuring”. What I want to know is how they can call themselves the cliched “established leader” in anything when they’re not even sure of their business model:

    Dear VMIX Subscriber,

    Beginning this week, you’re going to see a number of changes on VMIX.COM. We’re restructuring the site to reflect the shift in our product focus and gearing up for a complete redesign.

    The first thing you’ll notice is that our homepage now places our technology offerings upfront. This is nothing new for us โ€“ VMIX is an established leader in providing media-management and community platforms, currently powering over 200 media, publishing and broadcast websites. We’re simply changing our site to reflect that focus.

    All features and functionality will remain available until March 18, when we remove the community site to focus entirely on our VMIX CORE technology. We are sad to see the community site go but have an exciting product in the works called VMIX Marketplace that will offer massive exposure to content producers. In a nutshell, Marketplace provides a clean and easy-to-use interface that allows your videos to reach over 50 million uniques in the VMIX Network.

    Between now and March 18, you can access the original VMIX.COM content and community at We also recommend checking out the partner sites listed on our blog at, where you can enjoy uploading video, creating photo galleries and much more. If you have questions about any of these changes, please feel free to contact


    Chris Stuberg & Dave Brown
    VMIX Content Team

  2. nalts,I dont get it, u keep saying revver was sold,but they are still in business,their top advertisers probably dropped them temporarily because of the news of the buyout,and the recent drop in traffic,but revvers traffic is at its highest since june of 2007,so the advertisers should come back soon,BTW id never even heard of stage6,so im sure most others havent either

  3. Freddy,
    In your sidebar, you write of yourself:

    “he draws on insights attained from two decades of experience in advertising and entertainment”

    but the picture above this blurb looks to be of a person 19 years old. Start in the womb, did you?

  4. Dear Lulu TV Shareholder,

    Thanks for participating. This is the last Lulu TV co-op pool. We are
    discontinuing our paid co-op program for the time being. Thanks for
    your support and visit often!

  5. Hey Marquis:

    Thanks for the compliment. I knew there was a reason I liked that photo! (Nalts knows what I look like in person.)

    Proof of my age: I’ve been trying to track down the first album by the British heavy metal group Axe, which I listened to in junior high (1979).

    Not good enough?

    Thanks also for checking out my blog.


  6. You were able to afford alimony and a house? Wow, that was a long time ago…

    What was I worked in the online-video industry and never heard of them. Talk about wretched marketing (or, more likely, a suicidal disdain of marketing).

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