Another Blog About Monetizing Video

Usertainment Watch is a relatively new blog focused on helping people monetize videos, music and other user-generated content.

In today’s 2007 predictions, author Lester Craft predicts that we’ll see a $1 million prize for “best video.” I’m going to bet against that one, but I like his predictions about television tie-ns, rise of “channels” and the shakeout.

Usertainment Watch is written by Lester Craft, a veteran technology-business journalist. Craft has spent most of the past decade exploring the nexus of business and technology as the chief editor at several leading publications and websites, including Upside, the magazine that originated coverage of the business of technology in Silicon Valley.

Currently, Craft is Editorial Director of the Technology Publishing Group at Questex Media, a major online and print publisher and trade-show producer. Usertainment Watch is his personal site.

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  1. 1) I have no idea how the keyword highlighters got activated, but I’ll take credit for it.
    2) True that popular does not equal best. I noticed my popular “viral video genius” has dropped to 3 stars. Can someone develop a bot that gets it up to a less-embarassing 4 stars?
    3) Couldn’t agree more, Mark. There are three reasons for this:
    a- People like to read lists
    b- It makes you sound more comprehensive
    c- Other blogs link to lists more frequently, thus providing traffic.

  2. allow the bloggers to make some extra money through recommended products directly from within their blogs, and hopefully directing their readers to the some online retailers. As such, the respective blogger would receive a commission from any sales generated through referrals!

  3. Just attended the Personal Democracy Forum, some interesting stuff about how the internet affects politics and Government.
    Worth investigating next year.

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