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An Incentive to Post Comments

To encourage reader comments, I'm offering links to related sites from this blog — which gets as high as 300 people per day. All you have to do is comment frequently, and if your site is related I'll throw in a link on the right column. I'll also do a post covering your site if it's relevant to the readers of WillVideoForFood.

The blogs I'd like to identify (for myself and readers) are the following. Those that discuss:cricket.gif

  • Tips and software for amateur video makers
  • Online video websites and trends
  • Onine advertising- especially pertaining to video ads
  • Sites identifying video contests
  • Killer viral videos  (like those that identify a good viral video each day)
  • Other ways to make money through online videos

The only thing that won't get covered is a site or blog that's self serving (trying to sell stuff as opposed to being educational and helpful) or sites that really aren't related to this area. If you read this blog regularly, please let us know what else you read that's complementary. I want to update my RSS feeds so I'm reading related blogs, and I'm sure your fellow WillVideoForFood readers will benefit as well.

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  1. My site that most relates to your request is Vlog Soup. It’s a video clip show where I take people on a tour of the vlogosphere highlighting some of my favorite new videoblogs I’ve found.

    It’s at:

    I’ve also got this Squidioo site on Videoblogging that shares all the information I find on vlogging:


    It’s a good place to learn how to get started.

    Finally, there’s my own video blog at:

    Lots to watch over there.


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