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Advertise Free at Largest Ever Online-Video Meetup

NYC on “7.7.7”  is shaping up to be the largest ever online-video meetup. I’m basing that on roughly 300 registrations on the horrendously ugly but informative www.youtubemeetup.com.  And the YouTube gathering in San Fran attracted several hundred people with just 2 week’s notice.

YouTubers will converge upon Washington Square Park from 11-8 p.m. on July 7, 2007. Here’s an announcement by “xgobobeanx,” and my response video (Stupid NYC Arch). Seems I misunderstood that we’d be shooting our announcement videos separately. Here’s my video that recklessly started this event, although rest assured more organized people have taken over.

If you’re a marketer or advertiser looking to ingratiate yourself to the YouTube community, then I’d recommend showing up with free goods. You might also want to host an event at a nearby bar and provide free or discounted drinks for a period (the Fizz apparently did this on the west coast gathering). There’s no formal “organizer” of this event, but we’ve established an e-mail address for questions: newyorkcitygathering@gmail.com (I won’t be checking this).

There’s nothing standing between you — dear advertisers — and the community. You just want to make sure that you’re not perceived as blatantly promoting, and that you secure whatever permits you need. The group filed a permit for the gathering of video creators and cameras, apparently, but not for specific logistics like tables. So please check with this site to get information about permits.

What do brands get out of it?

  • Access to hundreds (if not thousands) of active YouTubers without having to assemble them or pay annoying conference slotting fees.
  • Goodwill if you bring drinks or goods.
  • Your brand will end up in countless videos that are broadcast to the creators’ audiences across the globe.
  • You can network with some of the well known creators and discuss custom promotion opportunities.

Get creative. Try to figure out a way that ensures your brand takes a cameo in the videos created. For instance… bring a Nalts blow up doll.

The hard part, of course? Who runs with it? The brand team? The digital agency? The PR agency? Or do you debate that until the event has passed?

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  1. The “Nalts blow up doll” is a risky suggestion, but very brave. But seriously, I hope marketers are beginning to see the writing on the wall.

  2. Haha… ‘the “nalts blow up doll” is a risky suggestion’

    All you gotta do is find someone with no shame and they will happily carry around a blow up doll for you.

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