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A Spoon Full of Sugar Makes the Photoshop Learning Go Down

wedding-band.JPGBrilliant video collection here. Like you, I don’t like reading manuals. I do like getting better and faster at my software. MyDamnChannel has a series of very clever but informative tutorials about PhotoShop called “You Suck at Photoshop.” This recent one (You Suck at Photoshop #4) is absolutely self deprecating and wonderful. Donnie Hoyle shows us how to use “masks” instead of the time-consuming eraser, as he goes about making a photo of his wedding ring for eBay. As he demonstrates the tools, he ponders his despair and how his wife left him to find someone who has working “man batter.” Even better, the ring is actually up on eBay and going for $750 at the moment. To date, 30K have seen the video so far (that will change by the time you read this) and 20K have visited the eBay page.

Thanks, Jan for the find. And for the shout out about my DVD. 🙂

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  1. Donnie canceled the ebay action, guess he just couldn’t let go.

    But, the Reverend Cornelius Blow’s alter ego Bernard Smyth put the Church’s Sacred Garment and a few of its Holiest Symbols on ebay for sale: http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZfeitlebaum

    He states it’s necessary in order to purchase a real camera, but I think Bernard will end up spending it all on actor’s hooch.

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