3 iFilm Amateur Video Contests

When you submit to iFilm, there are three contests running now. One for the technically deficient, one for wannabee comedians, and a third for snowboarding cool cats.

Yahoo Tech- Hook Me Up: hook_me_up_header.png

Each week, EMTs (Emergency Makeover Technicians) adopt the case of a tragic sufferer of Old School-itis, diagnose his or her specific condition and then administer the prescribed techie know-how and geeky wisdom. And, as these washed-up's get Hooked Up, you too will learn to make your wired life buzz wirelessly to life.

Comedy Central- MotherLoad: July 28 - August 31

Are you funny? Now is your chance to prove it with Comedy Central’s Test Pilots! Submit a one-to-five-minute video to comedycentral.com, and you could win a development deal for your show to air on Comedy Central's MotherLoad. Live action, animation, sketch or hidden camera — any format is acceptable. The only prerequisite… it shouldn't suck! Test Pilots will accept submissions from May 22 through August 24, 2006. Starting July 28, watch and vote for your favorite video only on comedycentral.com!

Gillette Fusion- A Day in the Life Snowboard Video Contest:gillette.jpg

Despite its name, the contest is for footage of more than snowboards. "We want to see your life off the slopes – crazy road trips, pranks, nightlight, or just tell us about your crazy lifestyle. You get the idea, now get in front of the camera! Judging will be based on originality, creativity, and most importantly FILM VIEWS. That means the sooner you get your video uploaded, the better chance of winning. Our judges will determine the top videos to be featured on IFILM's Adrenaline and User Video channels.

Enter & win, folks.




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  1. $5000 Prize – AmericInn Hotels Launches Amateur Video Contest Soliciting Humorous Tales of Noisy Hotel Stays

    Inspired by the outrageous stories travelers tell about their experiences with noisy hotel rooms, the 210+ -hotel chain AmericInn, launched a Web-based contest today calling for travelers to submit their own bizarre and humorous tales of noisy, unruly and disturbing hotel neighbors to http://www.yournoisyneighbor.com.

    AmericInn is encouraging contestants to be creative in telling their “noisy neighbor” stories either written or on video through on-camera scene re-enactment, expressive narration, funny antics and sound effects. The “Your Noisy Neighbor” contest, in which consumers compete for a $5,000 “Quiet Getaway” grand prize vacation, is part of AmericInn’s new marketing campaign positioning their hotel rooms as among the quietest in their class.

    “Noisy Neighbor” videos must be no longer than one minute and first uploaded to YouTube. Contestants can link their YouTube video to their contest entries at yournoisyneighbor.com, or they have the option of submitting a 200-word written description of their noisiest hotel experience. To inspire contestants, AmericInn has posted their own video entitled “Who’s in the shower?” at http://www.yournoisyneighbor.com. During the contest, which ends October 14, 2007, visitors to http://www.yournoisyneighbor.com will get to vote on their favorite Noisy Neighbor stories.

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