Only “Moron” Will Buy YouTube, Which is “Going to Be Toasted”

cuban.jpgBillionaire investor and dot-com legend Mark Cuban said only a “moron” would purchase YouTube, and that the online video site is “going to be toasted.” Read the article at YahooNews. Or Reuters.

Obviously Cuban got the idea from my YouTube rant. During this clip that I’m still hawking in every other post, I urge YouTube founders Chad Hurley and Steven Chen to follow the lead of Mark Cuban and sell while it’s still hot.

“They are just breaking the law,” Cuban told a group of advertisers in New York. “The only reason it hasn’t been sued yet is because there is nobody with big money to sue.”

burnttoast.jpgYou may wonder why I seem to take an apparently sick pleasure at reporting unfavorable YouTube news. I’m not saying YouTube sucks. I just think it’s fun to tease them since they’re number one and they’re not sharing ad revenue with content creators. My mission evolved as follows:

I haven’t been kicked off of YouTube like many of you. But they sure go out of their way to ensure my videos don’t get featured or seen. Now you may conclude I’m harboring a grudge, and I should remain more objective as a blogger. But Bloggers don’t like to be ignored. That’s our MO.

You may say I’m just trying to promote my videos and pay-for-content sites, and I’m doing so on the back of YouTube’s demise. Ummm… you’d be right about that. But I wouldn’t be so passionate if they just interacted instead of ignoring bloggers, media, creators, and any YouTube user with a technical problem.

On a related note, congratulations to the winners of the YouTube bubble-burst pool. I need your addresses to send you your t-shirts.

4 thoughts on “Only “Moron” Will Buy YouTube, Which is “Going to Be Toasted””

  1. Orstxsimspa, is it? Orst? I said one pack of SKYDANCER menthol light 100s please. It’s that light green one right behind you. Picture of Indian with his hand out. See it? No, above the Marlboros. Up, up. There you go. Yes. That one. How much?
    (Los Angeles gas station cashier language barrier joke)

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