10 Online-Video Stats (Advertising & Reach) Worth Knowing

youtube statistics

There are too many and too few statistics about online video and YouTube. We’re quite tired of hearing some of them: like how many videos are uploaded in a given timeline. But thanks to Pew and the increasingly popular “infographics” for giving us more than we could ever remember.

This one (image on right) is courtesy of Mashable and was created by Emily Caufield. It’s somewhat miss-titled “The History of Advertising on YouTube” because it starts with a history of the video-sharing site, then expands to mobile stats and other areas).

If you want a quick scan of some key online-video and YouTube stats that are public, here’s my list….

  1. YouTube represents more than 22% of mobile traffic. That’s data not time, and mobile use has skyrocketed by 70% over the past six months, according to Allot Communications Mobile Trend Report.
  2. About 70% of YouTube’s traffic is outside the United States. Yep- only a third are in America.
  3. Globally, YouTube is monetizing 2 billion video views per week. The number of advertisers increased 10-fold last year (good timing on the publication of that amazing online-video marketing book called Beyond Viral).
  4. Daily views are more than 2 billion a day as of the 5th year birthday Yeah two billion.
  5. To learn more about YouTube advertising, visit this page.
  6. YouTube scans more than 100 years of video each day using “Content ID.” That’s an automated tool to identify, claim and monetize content that belongs to you.
  7. One in four Americans watch a video online each day (Huffington Bloat). And 71% of us use online-video sites. comScore actually upped it to 85.6% as of June 2011. Remember when people said only teenagers watched videos online, and I said it would soon mimic web use? I did. What matters, however, is not whether or not we do something online… but how frequently.
  8. Only 8 percent U.S. subscribers to broadband users don’t have television subscriptions (the infamous “cord cutters” also don’t consume much more online video than the rest).
  9. Hulu has done somewhat better with advertising than YouTube, according to many analysts and idiots. Hulu did 1 billion ad impressions (that’s not all pre-rolls, friends).  Each viewer watched 38.8 ads in the month. Sigh.
  10. And here’s eMarketer’s forecast about online video from 2008. Just tossing in an expired piece of data to make the rest fresh by comparison.

    The Pew data shows online-video growth is on the rapid incline.


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  1. NutCheeese has a good point…….oh,Nalts does too lol. About 60% of my youtube views are from mobile devices,i just hope those people areant driving while watching them!

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