Ziddio: Make Money While “Purging Your Inner Creative Demons”

Ziddio is running amateur video contests where the payoff is cash and appearing on televisions via “video on demand.” When you arrive to the Ziddio homepage you’ll get an auto-load (yuck) video of LonelyGirl35 talking about how you can now do more than “purge your inner creative demons.”

Two contests running now. Jedi and “clean your room.” Courtesy of TheDailyReel.com.

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One Comment

  1. I looked at Ziddio for a while and pondered, “maybe there’s a place to upload clips here and I just can’t figure out what it is.” Then I gave up looking. If it’s in Beta, fair enough, but it looks like a shell of a site that they’re not particularly interested in having anyone fill in. Two user generated thumbs down, so far…

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